Cordaid has been working in Bangladesh since 1972 and established its first office there in 2013. Thanks to this strong base, we can provide comprehensive technical assistance to local partners and work in difficult-to-reach areas. In Bangladesh, we have directly impacted the lives of more than 2.5 million people.

Results & Indicators
169,556 households with improved food security (2023)
126,740 households with improved dietary diversity (2023)
14,766 people received an income increase (2023)
2,595 people received access to safe and clean water (2023)
Food systems
We work with smallholder farmers in food production, value chain development and private-sector engagement. We also connect farmers to producer groups, aggregation centres, markets and online sales platforms. We support people with climate-smart technologies, including salt-tolerant crops, weather forecasting, disaster preparedness and disaster response. With innovative models for waste management and a circular economy, for example in refugee communities, we provide robust solutions for environmental challenges.
Cordaid also supports small- and medium-sized enterprises by providing business development services, coaching, and increasing access to finance and markets. We work closely with the private sector to expand supply chains to remote areas. With our certified partner organisations, we provide technical and vocational training, and educational activities on entrepreneurship and leadership development, focusing on sustainable jobs.
Health care
We have a strong track record in nutrition, maternal and adolescent health services, universal health coverage, strengthening health facilities and governance systems, and establishing the last-mile distribution of nutritious and hygiene products. To improve sanitation and hygiene, we focus on behaviour change, strengthening local government institutions, entrepreneurship and market-based solutions.
Humanitarian assistance
We apply an innovative approach focusing on the self-reliance of refugees and enhancing social cohesion between refugees and the host community. Key activities include distributing food, facilitating skills development, connecting refugees and the host community for livelihoods and markets and upcycling plastic waste.
We have programmes for sustainable livelihoods in Kurigram, Gaibandha, Cox’s Bazar, Potuakhali, Khulna, Bagerhat, Barguna, Sunamganj. We provide healthcare services and humanitarian aid in Kurigram, Gaibandha, Cox’s Bazar, Potuakhali, Khulna, Bagerhat, Barguna, Sunamganj. Our activities in lobby and advocacy are nationwide.
RDRS Bangladesh, Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM), ELLA pad, Bunon Kutir, Lal Teer, Garbageman, Gana Unnayan Kendra (GUK), Christian Commission for Development in Bangladesh (CCDB), Community Development Centre (CODEC), Shalom. a development organisation of Church of Bangladesh, Soil Resource Development Institute (SRDI), Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU). European Union, Netherlands Enterprise Agency, European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), World Food Programme (WFP) GIZ, ACT Alliance, Kerk in Actie (KiA).
House 7 (Flat 5B, 5C)
Road 33, Gulshan 1
Dhaka 1212
Country Director
Douwe Dijkstra
Email: [email protected]