Sexual and reproductive health and rights
Another important pillar of our work in health care is the empowerment of young women and men, regardless of gender, age, religion, and sexual orientation, to make lifesaving choices related to their own sexual and reproductive health and rights. We do this by promoting informed decision-making and providing services, education, contraceptives, and medicines.
Health and climate change
Climate change has several negative consequences for people’s health, from malnutrition and heat stress to the spread of infectious diseases such as malaria, dengue and cholera. In turn, greenhouse gas emissions from the health sector also contribute to climate change and environmental degradation. Through climate change mitigation (solar energy) and adaptation (water supply), Cordaid contributes to more resilient health systems.
Health and education
Cordaid increasingly acknowledges the need for close collaboration between health centres and schools to improve the health of children. Focusing on topics such as menstrual hygiene, sexuality education and diagnosis and treatment of malnutrition, teachers and health workers are encouraged to join forces to raise awareness, make timely referrals and engage parents.
Mental health and psychosocial support
Our mental health and psychosocial support programmes deal with unmet needs in areas that are affected by war and conflict. Cordaid addresses individual and collective trauma. Health workers and social workers provide diagnosis and treatment, while community outreach workers are trained and support groups are formed for follow-up support and reintegration.
Global health security
Health crises and epidemics occur frequently in fragile settings and carry the risk of turning into pandemics and global health emergencies. Cordaid supports health systems by training staff to be prepared for outbreaks and sudden demands for personnel and supplies. Through our lobby and advocacy efforts, we aim to create political awareness for global health and mobilize support for strong and resilient health systems worldwide.
Our expert
If you are interested in collaborating with Cordaid on this topic and would like more information, please contact our thematic expert.