Education is a foundation for life and a gateway for personal, social and economic development.
However, more than 250 million children and youth are not in school. Among those who do attend school, many fail to reach minimum levels in reading and mathematics. In low-income countries, and mainly in sub-Saharan Africa, only 67% of children complete primary school.
We aim to guarantee equitable access to primary schools, improve the quality of education, and install good governance in the education system. To achieve this, we strengthen the primary education system at large and motivate teachers through our performance-based financing approach. We collaborate with key stakeholders to ensure our approach aligns with national policies and goals.
Performance-based financing in education
Performance-based financing is a systems approach that financially rewards schools and local education authorities for achieving results on a specific set of indicators. It entails a direct link between the funding and results.
These results are independently verified and schools are coached and mentored in their efforts to improve their services, such as ensuring more girls attend class and improving their quality of education.
Schools are stimulated to pay attention to a safe and stimulating learning environment, improve school management structures, promote continuous teacher development, and engage the community in school activities and listen to their needs.
Schools are autonomous in spending their earned funds based on a school improvement plan. In this way, schools find creative and entrepreneurial ways to solve local contextual challenges. Some use the funds to acquire essential materials, provide drinking water and improve sanitation facilities. Other schools improve access for children by providing free lunches or lowering school fees. Part of the subsidy can also be used as salary top-ups to attract, motivate and retain teachers.
Positive change
Performance-based financing creates a sense of ownership and empowers schools to bring about positive change. Teachers are more motivated through more conducive learning environments and children are provided with higher quality of education, giving them the means to improve their learning outcomes.