Cordaid has been active in the region through partner organisations and Catholic churches for over two decades. Since 2012, we directly implement emergency aid, livelihood, healthcare, justice and peacebuilding programmes in South Sudan.

South Sudan
Results & Indicators
80,000 people received life-saving assistance in the first half of 2021
13,500 households improved agricultural productivity, income, and food security
180 health facilities across the country increased access to quality health services
Health care
Cordaid supports 180 health facilities, including six hospitals, significantly increasing access to quality health services across the country. By doing this, we strengthen the capacities of three local organisations, the village health workers as well as governmental health specialists. We work with the Ministry of Health in offering technical assistance in TB/HIV programming, case management and diagnostics. Annually, we identify about 13,000 TB cases successfully and we treat 80% of them.
Humanitarian assistance
Cordaid provides food, water facilities, shelter, medicines, and hygiene items to about 200,000 internally displaced people. We also promote good hygiene, organise COVID-19 awareness activities, and build water supply systems. Cash support is another vital part of our humanitarian interventions.
Food systems
Cordaid provides agribusiness development support by teaching business skills, establishing cooperatives, providing access to finance, and linking producers to markets. On average, 48% of our beneficiaries are women. We also support returnees in recovery and resilience building, providing them training on creating sustainable livelihoods and business skills as well as start-up grants or inputs.
Recognising serious threats to livelihoods related to global climate change, Cordaid has been supporting the South Sudanese government, development partners and local communities in strengthening policies and response capacities by promoting green solutions for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation.
Justice and peace
By strengthening the lobby and advocacy capacity of civil society organisations and engaging them in building community resilience, Cordaid encourages peacebuilding in South Sudan. This is to ensure that the voices of excluded constituencies are heard and that members of those constituencies participate in problem-solving processes. We do this by supporting authorities to improve access to justice.
Cordaid is active in nine out of ten states in South Sudan: Central Equatoria, Eastern Equatoria, Jonglei, Lakes, Unity, Upper Nile, Warrap, Western Bahr el Gazal, and Western Equatoria.
CARE, AFOD WDG, HARD, IPCA, Children Aid South Sudan, SPARK, Agriterra, Rural Finance Initiatives, EVE, South Sudan Law Society, Health Link South Sudan, Steward Women, Youth Development Association, Coalition of Advocates for South Sudan, Junub Youth Action Network, Women Aid Vision, Voice For Change, Assistance Mission for Africa, Civil Society Coalition on Natural Resources, Dutch Relief Alliance, AMREF, Caritas Poland, Start Fund, UNDP, Health Pooled Fund/Crown Agents, CBM, FAO, The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in South Sudan, European Commission, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands.
Hai Neem Plot 35
3rd Class
South Sudan
Country Director
Tom Otieno
Email: [email protected]
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